1. Education
Major Fields -Chinese History: Middle, Late Imperial and Modern Periods
Additional fields- World History, History of Vietnam
Master in the Religious World of Southern Taiwan
Major - Middle Period and Late Imperial China
Minor- Modern Japan, with an emphasis on the Second Sino-Japanese War
MA Thesis: "Falun Gong, the Great Red Dharma: Permanent Revolution of the Law-Wheel"
Major, History; Minor, Philosophy/Religious Studies
2. University teaching appointments
Instructor of East Asian History and Mandarin, Hawaii Tokai International College, Spring Term, 2012
Teaching Assistant, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of History, August 2005-May 2007
Lecturer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Religious Studies, June 2001-August 2003
Graduate Teaching Associate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Religious Studies, August 2000-May 2001
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Religious Studies, August 1999- July 2000
3. Academic Publications
"Lyric Spells for Immanent Gods: A Historical and Literary Study of the Minor Rite Invocations of Southern Taiwan,” in 《真儀遊虛:道教研究的新視域,儀式卷》,謝世維、方韻慈主編 , 207-387 . 臺北市:新文豐,2021.
"The Minor Rite Invocations of the Tainan Ritual Master Tradition: an Overview of their Literary Form and Historical Background," Journal of Humanities Studies 人文研究學報, National Tainan University,第52卷第2期(民國I07[2018):I-46